How to be a Joy Generator

How to be a Joy Generator

How do you generate joy in your life? Positive emotion can indeed be generated. That’s because negative emotions can be consciously supplanted by positive ones.  Today I want to talk about creating joy automatically, or at the very least, shifting into some...
How to Spark Civil Discourse

How to Spark Civil Discourse

My new favorite expression is ‘it’s better to be effective than right’. Because the ‘rhetorical’ question: ‘Would you rather be right or would you rather be happy?’ infers that to be happy you must surrender your point of view or acquiesce to something you feel is...
Love and Let Live

Love and Let Live

As we enter the holiday season, familial relationships are on many people’s minds.  Perhaps you are upset because you won’t see someone important to you. Or because you’re dreading that you will. The sense of ‘missing out’ on the mythical experience of...
Stop Fixating!

Stop Fixating!

People are creative whether they know it or not.  Creativity is unleashed by a willingness to make or do something despite prior knowledge of how difficult it might be.  That’s because when you stop fixating on your prior learning of how something ‘should’...
The Power of Hope

The Power of Hope

I’m not a big believer in “I’ll do this when…” “when./then” thinking, as in “when I do/get this, then I’ll…” When/then thinking is a great way to stay miserable now. It is a form of perfectionist-driven procrastination.  And it is not to be...