“Does that mean I have ADHD?”

“Does that mean I have ADHD?”

It can be comforting to label ourselves.  At best, a medical diagnosis of ADHD creates a sense of separation between what you perceive as your faults and who you really are. For example there is a relief when you realize that you’re “not just lazy”. An ADHD diagnosis...
Eye Contact is a Superpower

Eye Contact is a Superpower

DISCLAIMER: This post does not apply to the severely visually impaired, who probably have developed compensatory superpowers. When I was a very young woman, I had a super-power.  I could walk into any public space, a bar, a restaurant, a park…and if I saw someone...


There’s a new acronym afoot in the ADHD lexicon: ICNU It stands for Interest, Challenge, Novelty, Urgency, and it pretty neatly describes the operating system of the ADHD brain. Neurotypcal brains operate via ISIR: Importance, Secondary importance (what someone else...
Resolve to Keep Resolving

Resolve to Keep Resolving

The best resolution, whether it’s a New Year’s Resolution or otherwise, is to keep resolving.  A resolution is a firm determination to do or not do something. And the reason I think we should keep resolving is because consistency is not about staying on track,...
Do You Still Want What You Did Last Year?

Do You Still Want What You Did Last Year?

What do you want by the end of 2023? There are people who refuse to answer that question, because they’ve come up empty at the end of so many years past.  For these folks, setting goals for the new year feels like a recipe for not accomplishing them.  If you...